egghead Talks

Standing Out as A Non-Traditional Applicant

Standing Out as A Non-Traditional Applicant

Shaundai Person

Learn actions you can take to make your non-traditional (or traditional) background stand out in all the best ways
Personal Site Playgrounds with MDX

Personal Site Playgrounds with MDX

Prince Wilson

Prince Wilson, MDX contributor, takes us through one aspect of his personal site playground and dives deep into interactive code blocks.
Setting Up Feature Flags with React

Setting Up Feature Flags with React

Talia Nassi

Go through the quick and easy set up of creating your feature flags, and integrating them with your React App.
Sleeping Better at Night

Sleeping Better at Night

Tomasz Łakomy

Why are we afraid to deploy on Friday? Because no one wants to debug on Saturday. This talk covers different approaches JavaScript developers, can use to make our lives easier
Marketing Tactics for Software Developers

Marketing Tactics for Software Developers

Stephanie Morillo

Learn how developers successfully use marketing to spread the word about their projects, blogs, and more, often without trying to sell anything.
Lessons Learned From Building React Native Apps

Lessons Learned From Building React Native Apps

Adhithi Ravichandran

The talk will help them see an overview of all the options they have to build scalable React Native apps.
Let GraphQL Code Generators do the boring stuff

Let GraphQL Code Generators do the boring stuff

Cristian Ramos

How many hours do we spend synchronizing our GraphQL API with our front end code? This talk will show you how you can let GraphQL code generators do the boring stuff.
MDX and VueJS/NuxtJS

MDX and VueJS/NuxtJS

Jonathan Bakebwa

Jonathan Bakebwa introduces MDX support for VueJS and NuxtJS while also using Chakra UI Vue for MDX components
Concurrent React from Scratch

Concurrent React from Scratch

Shawn Wang

Create an effective mental model of Concurrent React by building a tiny clone of React!
How Social Media Can Land You Your Dream Job

How Social Media Can Land You Your Dream Job

Taylor Desseyn

This talk is a hands on guide to navigating social media to leverage your network and find your dream job without the hassle of all those terrible recruiters:)
I'm Stuck And I Don't Know What To Do

I'm Stuck And I Don't Know What To Do

James Quick

In this talk, we'll discuss the ups and downs of careers and how to achieve happiness in yours whatever that may look like for you.
Making Hooks Framework Agnostic with Redux Tool Kit

Making Hooks Framework Agnostic with Redux Tool Kit

Nick DeJesus

Learn how to use Redux Tool Kit to make a React Hooks open-source library framework agnostic.
Authenticating React Apps Using Auth0

Authenticating React Apps Using Auth0

Mahmoud Abdelwahab

In this talk, I'll be giving you an introduction to the different authentication strategies and then I'll be showing you how to add authentication to a React app using Auth0
Drawing the Invisible: React Explained in Five Visual Metaphors

Drawing the Invisible: React Explained in Five Visual Metaphors

Maggie Appleton

Fundamentals of React explained through five visual metaphors. From component trees to state, Maggie explains the analogies and metaphorical comparisons that helped her "get" React
Things You Should Know About Neurodiversity

Things You Should Know About Neurodiversity

mykola bilokonsky

Are you running on "Engineering Time" - or are you an undiagnosed neurodivergent person, likely with a number of unmet needs? Let's talk about it!
Say hello to Box, Flex and Stack: layouts in the component age

Say hello to Box, Flex and Stack: layouts in the component age

Artem Sapegin

Using components to create Flexbox and Grid layouts simplifies code, improves dev experience and feels natural in React. Learn how to create any page layout with three components.
Imposter Syndrome: Why You Need It

Imposter Syndrome: Why You Need It

Valerie Pheonix

Removing the negative connotation we have with imposter syndrome is the first step we can take to reduce stress and stop feeling isolated, giving us space to find our cure.
Migrating to MDX

Migrating to MDX

Monica Powell

Learn why someone would migrate from Remark to MDX before going into how to do that and what problems you might run into.
Interviewing for Front End Jobs

Interviewing for Front End Jobs

Niall Maher

Learn from over failed 50 interviews to get an edge when interviewing for your next role
Securing GraphQL Backends with JWTs

Securing GraphQL Backends with JWTs

Sam Julien

Let’s demystify auth while learning how to use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) with GraphQL APIs!
Getting Personal with Ecommerce, React, & the Static Web

Getting Personal with Ecommerce, React, & the Static Web

Colby Fayock

Explore the challenges of ecommerce in a static world. We’ll talk about what tools are available to us and how we can take advantage of them to build dynamic web apps
Networking: It's Not Just for Extroverts Anymore

Networking: It's Not Just for Extroverts Anymore

Emily Harber

Learn techniques to take the edge off of networking to get a leg up in your career.
Save Your Hands and Save Your Time: Rethinking How to Use a Keyboard

Save Your Hands and Save Your Time: Rethinking How to Use a Keyboard

John Lindquist

Make your keyboard experience as gentle as possible on your hands so your hands are happier and you work more efficiently.
Confidently Ship Production React Apps

Confidently Ship Production React Apps

Kent C. Dodds

Learn how to ship applications with confidence and what it takes to get there. With improved tools and practices, we can be certain that what we're shipping to our users will work
Master the JavaScript Interview

Master the JavaScript Interview

Tyler Clark

Cover some of the most common buzzwords that you might be asked about in your next interview!
What If The Real 10X Developer Is The Friends We Made Along The Way?

What If The Real 10X Developer Is The Friends We Made Along The Way?

Jason Lengstorf

Break down the very real risks of idolizing individual contributors, and dive into what a real “10× developer” might look like.
Designing for Inclusive User Experience

Designing for Inclusive User Experience

Kayla Sween

Address some common unintentionally exclusive web design and development practices and how to fix those problems.
Data-driven Salary Negotiation

Data-driven Salary Negotiation

Tara Ojo

Learn how to make sure your compensation is competitive when negotiating salary.
The X in MDX

The X in MDX

Rodrigo Pombo

Introduction to Code Hike and how Code Hike and MDX empower advanced scrolly telling techniques.
Tailwind - The Future of CSS is Here!

Tailwind - The Future of CSS is Here!

Amadou Sall

Write a beautiful, maintainable, and responsive web applications without a single line of CSS? With Tailwind's low-level CSS utility classes
Containers for Software Developers

Containers for Software Developers

Joel Lord

Learn how to create container friendly applications and how to use containers to share their code with their team.
Salary Negotiation for Software Developers

Salary Negotiation for Software Developers

Josh Doody

Learn a straightforward salary negotiation process so you know what to say to get the best possible version of your new compensation package.
Put Down the Javascript - Level Up with the Fundamentals of Web Development

Put Down the Javascript - Level Up with the Fundamentals of Web Development

Colby Fayock

Level up your JavaScript by getting back to the basics of HTML and CSS. Learn why it's important and best practices to enhance SEO, performance, and accessibility.
Learning Tips Every Developer Should Know

Learning Tips Every Developer Should Know

Ceora Ford

This talk is going to point out some of the biggest pitfalls you need to avoid. It'll also highlight steps you can take to successfully learn any coding language or skill.
MDX v2 Syntax

MDX v2 Syntax

Laurie Barth

Walk through MDX v2's syntax by trying to break it. Start with markdown and go through increasingly complex applications of MDX.
Accessibility-flavored React Components make your Design System Delicious

Accessibility-flavored React Components make your Design System Delicious

Kathleen McMahon

Take a look at how you can mix some commonly-used components with the ingredients of accessibility. Pair this with best practices guidance in your documentation
Demystifying MDX

Demystifying MDX

Cole Bemis

Learn how MDX works by digging into what MDX does under the hood.
Hip Hop, Code, and Mental Health

Hip Hop, Code, and Mental Health

Rahat Chowdhury

Learn different methods of coping with mental illness and observations on how the tech industry as a whole can better support those who often suffer in silence.